
Strategic Alliances

Together we are stronger: Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances

Together we are stronger: Strategic Alliances

In an increasingly competitive business world, it is crucial to establish strategic alliances with different organizations and stakeholders. It is even more critical in sectors such as agro-industry, where the supply chain is complex and a collaborative approach is needed to achieve sustainable growth.

What have we achieved with strategic alliances?

At AgroAmerica, alliances have enabled us to maximize the value we generate for our customers and consumers while expanding our operations and strengthening our market position. These alliances include certifying entities, suppliers, environmental organizations, authorities, and academic and governmental institutions.
exchange with actors
Each actor plays a fundamental role in our supply chain, sustainability strategy and business ecosystem. Working together has enabled us to share knowledge, experiences, resources, and networks, which has improved our ability to face challenges and take advantage of growth opportunities.
Improvement of our processes
Our partnerships with certifying entities enable us to improve our production processes, achieve greater sustainability and improve the quality of our products. Working hand in hand with environmental organizations helps us implement projects focused on mitigating our footprint, regenerating resources, protecting biodiversity, and restoring ecosystems.
Increase supply chain efficiency
Maintaining strong relationships with our suppliers allows us to guarantee the quality and availability of the inputs we need to operate and produce. We can negotiate fair prices and jointly develop solutions to improve supply chain efficiencies by working closely with them.
Identify opportunities and provide solutions
Working with authorities and academic institutions has allowed us to access valuable knowledge and resources for innovation and sustainable development. On the other hand, thanks to this, we have identified opportunities for improvement and implemented long-term solutions that benefit our company and society. For this reason, alliances with strategic audiences are essential for business success. At AgroAmerica, we recognize their importance and constantly work to strengthen and expand them. We understand that by collaborating with different market players, we can more effectively and sustainably create value for everyone. You can learn more about the alliances we have forged at this link:
Employer branding

Employer Branding and How to Take Advantage of It

Employer Branding

Employer Branding and How to Take Advantage of It

There is no doubt that employer branding has become very important in today’s business world. Simply put, employer branding corresponds to the internal actions and efforts that the employer makes to impact the “employee experience” – what the employee experiences within the organization. Through this, the company can build an image and reputation that favors attracting and retaining human talent.

What is employer branding used for?

Employer branding creates and maintains an image of the brand as an attractive workplace through specific company objectives. To achieve this, the company defines marketing actions, messages, and activities with the support of internal communication, Endomarketing, and human resource management. In this way, the company can communicate its good practices, highlight how it differs from other companies and create a positive image among its employees.

Importance of employer branding

It is significant because it increases emotional salary, promotes the organizational culture in an unforced way, and increases the workers’ commitment and connection (engagement) with the company.

Benefits of employer branding in AgroAmérica

At AgroAmerica, we have introduced actions to utilize employer branding as a tool that helps us position ourselves in the market, strengthen our business culture, and increase productivity. At the same time, it helps our employees to become ambassadors for the company by increasing their level of job satisfaction:
Defining our brand
What differentiates us from other companies in the same sector? What do our current collaborators value? How do we want job candidates to view us? Answering these questions has helped us define our brand and create a cohesive employer branding strategy.
Creating Relevant Content
In defining our brand, we have created relevant content that helps us share our vision and mission. We use videos, infographics, social media posts, employee testimonials, blogs, and other resources that showcase our organizational culture.
Using social networks
Today, social networks have become a tool for brand communication. We use them to share relevant content and increase the visibility of our brand.
Involving our employees
Our collaborators are our best ambassadors. Making them part of our actions and decisions reinforces our business culture, generates a sense of belonging and increases their commitment to our business.
Being transparent
Transparency and honesty are essential to create strong employee branding. These qualities attract potential employees and help engage current collaborators. It is important to highlight that employer branding is not only about creating a positive image of the organization but also about demonstrating and promoting business values and culture at all times. Employer branding is the management, construction, and life force of the company’s “brand”. It seeks to improve the perception, reputation, positioning, and added value of an enterprise in order to form a highly committed team that promotes a company’s success.

Innovation, Technology, and Productivity

AgroAmerica Innovation

Innovation, Technology, and Productivity


Investments in infrastructure and innovation build a more dynamic and competitive economy by creating jobs and providing people with needed income. Promoting new technologies stimulates international trade and enables the efficient use of resources.


Innovation and technology are essential for competitiveness

It consists of discovering new ways to undertake certain processes or practices to add value to products. Invention allows companies to be more competitive, to create a culture of continuous improvement and to offer a balanced portfolio. Correspondingly, trust and unity between employees and their leaders drives innovation through the exchange of ideas.

Importance of technology

The implementation of new technologies allows companies to discover and leverage new business opportunities and to expand into new markets. Technology is more than a mere opportunity. It has become a key element to survive globalization by eliminating barriers and solving problems.

How to integrate technology into a company

It is important to emphasize that innovation is not only acquiring new tools or recent technology; it is, instead, the use of these assets to improve processes. Effective innovation is done in an organized manner:

  1. Planning: Consider how the technology will influence production, what changes it implies and whether it will be necessary to increase the labor force.
  2. Strategy development: Once the planning elements have been identified, it is essential to establish objectives and a course of action to achieve them. Additionally, it is necessary to define a method to measure the impact of any changes.
  3. Follow-up and evaluation: This step consists of evaluating the obtained results and using appropriate metrics to monitor progress.
Innovation and technology in AgroAmérica

AgroAmerica is constantly innovating in order to maintain its world-class status. Innovation is fundamental to achieving sustainability and maximum productivity. We develop new products with high nutritional value through the responsible and efficient use of resources, while generating employment for the economic development of people and communities.

Sustainable Development Goal

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Zero Hunger

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to achieve universal equality, protect the environment and move towards leaving no one behind. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has 17 goals, which have been accepted and signed by 193 countries. These countries have committed to take the necessary actions to achieve these goals. In this article we will talk about the sustainable development goal 2: zero hunger.

The need to achieve “Zero Hunger”

One of these 17 goals is to eradicate hunger in the world through food security, improved nutrition and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. According to the 2020 United Nations’ (UN) Global Report on Food Crises, around 690 million people suffer from hunger; of these, about 135 million suffer from severe hunger.

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Extreme hunger and malnutrition are two of the main obstacles to achieving sustainable development and SDG 2: Zero Hunger aims to remove these barriers. What are the consequences of hunger? Hunger negatively affects people’s living conditions by causing people to be less productive and to suffer from more diseases. How can we achieve “zero hunger”? We can provide equal access to adequate, healthy and nutritious food.

What does “Zero Hunger” aim to achieve?

Some of the goals of this plan of action for 2030 are:

  • End hunger and ensure access to adequate food for all people.
  • End malnutrition, especially in children under 5 years of age.
  • Increase agricultural productivity and sustainable food production.
  • Ensure the sustainability of production systems through resilient agricultural practices.
  • Increase investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and technological development.

Achieving these goals will ensure that there is enough safe and nutritious food for everyone.

AgroAmerica and Zero Hunger

At AgroAmerica we contribute to the achievement of this goal through 2 pillars of our sustainability strategy:

  • Our operations: We have a Natural Ingredients Processing Plant and a Research and Development Laboratory focused on developing new food ingredients with high nutritional value.
  • Our communities: We implemented the “Bana-Nutrition” program to fight child malnutrition by helping nearby communities produce banana flour to use as a dietary supplement in food preparation. In addition, in alliance with the Association of Independent Banana Producers, we participated in the founding of the Food Bank of Guatemala, which provides donated food resources.

Everyone can support the fight against hunger through either modest or significant actions in their own surroundings. Increasing agricultural productivity and sustainable food production will help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Decent Work and Economic Growthl

Toward Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Toward Decent Work and Economic Growth

The International Labour Organization‘s (ILO) 8th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG8): “Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all” aims to promote full and decent employment while achieving inclusive economic development. “This drives progress to improve the living standards of all people. The eradication of poverty depends, to a certain extent, on stable work with living wages.”

What is decent work?

According to the (ILO), decent work is work that dignifies and allows the development of one’s capabilities. In other words, it is work that provides personal, economic and professional development opportunities for employees by respecting labor rights and principles, providing a fair income according to the work performed, promoting inclusion, protecting people socially and encouraging dialogue. Decent work is characterized by four elements:

  1. Rights at work
  2. Employment opportunities
  3. Social protection
  4. Social dialogue

What are the SDG8 targets?

Some of the goals that are expected to be achieved by 2030 are:

  1. Sustain economic growth according to the local context and increase Gross Domestic Product.
  2. Achieve higher levels of productivity of economies through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation.
  3. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.
  4. Eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and end all forms of child labour.
  5. Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.
We are doing business the right way

At AgroAmerica, we respect the rights of all our employees and we work with suppliers that are also committed to following the principles and practices of decent work. This minimizes operational risks while optimizing costs and allows transparent and responsible access to new markets. To ensure this, our Human Rights Policy was updated in 2021 to reaffirm our commitment to the people who work with us.

Human rights training for employees

Additionally, we provide training for our staff, our suppliers and other companies involved in our operating plants so workers are aware of their rights and the importance of respecting them. Throughout 2021, we succeeded in training more than 3,800 employees on our internal policies.

Promoting decent work contributes to democracy and social integration. It also enables men and women to have access to the same opportunities

World Banana Forum

The World Banana Forum: A Venue For Improvement

The World Banana Forum AgroAmerica

The World Banana Forum: A Venue For Improvement

The World Banana Forum has become an assembly dedicated to the improvement of the industry and the promotion of better sustainable production practices. Different stakeholders (retailers, importers, producers, exporters, associations and governments, among others) of the global banana supply chain work together based on the idea that collaboration is the key to achieving advancement.

Banana Forum Mission

The Forum’s main mission is to foster collaboration among all stakeholders for industry improvement and to build a consensus on the implementation of good practices in labor, equity, environmental impact, sustainable production and economics.

Banana Forum Commissions

The Forum consists of 3 commissions:

  • Sustainable Production Systems with Environmental Impact (CT01): This commission addresses the main challenges of banana production in order to develop a path to improvement in the environmental sustainability of production systems. The four specific issues on which this commission works are tropical Fusarium Race 4, agroecological practices and water management, the carbon footprint, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Work Commission on Value Distribution (CT02): This group works to achieve a fair value distribution in the supply chain through the development of a basic study, based on the Anker model, of the methodologies available to implement living wages. 
  • Labor Rights (CT03): This advisory body focuses on the rights of employees and works together with the FAO and the International Labor Organization. Its work concentrates on three main areas: freedom of association and collective bargaining, health and safety, and gender equality.
Commitment to employees

AgroAmerica is committed to the fair treatment of our employees and contributing to their well-being and thus are part of the Working Commission on Value Distribution of the World Banana Forum. The Living Wages for Life initiative seeks to provide economic sustainability by establishing benchmarks for living wages in the industry.


The importance of traceability in food production

Traceability AgroAmérica

The importance of traceability in food production

We have incorporated traceability as an essential element in the business and commercial environment. It makes it possible to identify, trace and locate the origin of products or components within the production chain. Traceability has become the key to food safety in the food industry since it monitors food throughout the production, transportation and distribution chains.

The advantages 

Traceability links the flow of goods and their associated information. This continuous exchange of knowledge provides an advantage for three critical participants in the food industry:

  • The producing company: A traceability system helps to identify areas of opportunity and improvement in the supply chain. It increases productivity and product quality.
  • Consumers: An effective traceability system increases confidence in a given brand because consumers can be sure that we produce products in a proper, reliable and safe way.
  • Health authorities: Traceability systems help the public sector address any health risks a given product may pose to consumers.

At its core, traceability consists of keeping a detailed record of the actions, processes and places a food product passes through from its origin to its final destination.

Types of traceability 

  1. Traceability or tracing: This method helps to identify a product’s origin and the stages it has passed through from its production to final delivery. It includes raw materials and any subsequent applied processes.
  2. Tracking: This carefully follows the course of travel the product will take, helps predict and foresee any potential difficulties and provides the customer with the path his order will follow.


Implementing a traceability system is a simple process but it will bring many benefits, among them:

  • Ensure quality and efficiency: We can use the data obtained from traceability as indicators to help improve processes and products.
  • Reduce costs: By having specific data and information about each process we can reduce risk, correct errors immediately and avoid wasting resources.
  • Optimize time: Traceability allows for the quick retrieval of information about the product and the continuous improvement of processes.
  • Locate the source of a problem: Issues can be traced back to the component and source provider and also reflects the transparency of processes.
  • Improve communication: Traceability enables clear communication channels and promotes transparency among all involved parties.
We guarantee the quality of the products

AgroAmerica guarantees the quality of its food products with a traceability system that ensures food safety from the soil to the store shelves where consumers buy their food. The vertically integrated supply chain is designed to control the entire process in accordance with international standards.

developing high-performance teams

Developing high-performance teams is more than just a fad

Human Rights AgroAmerica

Developing high-performance teams is more than just a fad

Today, due to the numerous demands of the market, many organizations take on increasingly complex challenges, which allow them to acquire competitive advantages. Assuming these new challenges requires not only optimizing internal organizational processes and guidelines, but also forming and developing high-performance teams. In this scenario, leaders become facilitators for the simultaneous transformation of the organization and the members of the teams.

Organizational transformation through leadership

It was previously believed that the main objective of leaders was to achieve organizational goals by maintaining order, stability and balance through standardized processes. However, over time this process has become a complex theme. Leaders now take on a more dynamic role, in which they help their teams achieve a level of excellence and integrated development by strengthening their multidisciplinary skills.

Resources for building high performance teams

High-performance teams are formed through commitment to the mission, positive and respectful interactions, a “shared trust” in mutual success, assigned objectives and the promotion of individual and group growth. Every member of the team must understand the shared responsibility for themselves and for their teammates.

Consequences of High Performance Teams

Creating high-performance teams requires leaders to look strategically at the individual, group and organizational components of their company.

Beyond a fad

As Walt Disney said, “Many hands and hearts and minds generally contribute to anyone’s notable achievements.” We must understand that we do not manage high-performance teams because it is fashionable, but because we are aware that, through people, we can achieve the full scope of our business objectives. Our responsible commitment is to generate and promote quality of life in the workplace for our employees. What are the attributes that determine if our teams can be high-performing?

  • An optimistic outlook: they demonstrate positive attitudes in the face of adversity.
  • Self-confidence: they maintain realistic expectations, even when their own interests are not realized, and they maintain a constructive perspective that brings them closer to the goal.
  • Calmness in the face of uncertainty: they share their fears and doubts and maintain their composure at all times.
  • Courage: they are aware that there are things that are worth a risk.
  • A willingness to work as part of a team: they have the will to cooperate and, above all, they significantly add to the collaborative intelligence of the team.
We build comprehensive and collaborative work teams

AgroAmérica cares about building high-performance teams and creating productive and efficient collaborative spaces. We form teams that are passionate about their work and that have the desire to forge agreements and move in unison to reach the proposed goals.

Beginning with a focus on inclusion, we take advantage of the diversity of our human talent to form a comprehensive and collaborative work team. Leveraging individual skills and competencies leads to the sustainability of our operations. More than a company, we are a family working for the common good, because we know that we must “do well by doing good”.

Human Rights

Human Rights and Labor

Human Rights AgroAmerica

Human Rights and Labor

Human rights have gained worldwide relevance because they help satisfy the basic needs of people and communities. Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to work and the right to just and favorable labor conditions. People have the right to work in order to have a dignified human existence, without this work being limited to simply having a source of employment. Employers must provide working conditions that offer fair financial compensation, equal treatment for all and a safe working environment.

AgroAmerica and human rights

AgroAmerica knows that by providing fair working conditions we are contributing to the respect and development of human rights and helping to eradicate poverty. Our policies and actions are guided by our commitment to human rights issues, provide good working conditions and promote workplace inclusion and equality for all our workers.

Pillar “Our People”

When making our materiality map, and based on our commitment to human rights, we identified 5 relevant issues related to human rights and work. Working conditions, training and culture, fair salary, gender and inclusion, and occupational health and safety constitute the “Our People” pillar.

Decent conditions for collaborators

Our purpose is to offer dignified conditions to our employees so that they can develop personally and professionally. We provide our workforce with training to acquire knowledge in different areas. We value their efforts and dedication and we help them meet their needs and those of their families. This value is reflected in the living wage ​​established through the living wage methodology we offer our employees. We ensure labor inclusion and equality by offering the same opportunities to men and women, regardless of their condition, and we guarantee occupational health and safety by providing doctors and clinics in our operating plants. 

These are some of the actions that we have implemented that allow us to provide a good work environment focused on the well-being of our employees. In this way, we make a difference.

Rainforest Alliance certification

What does the Rainforest Alliance certification mean?

Rainforest Alliance Certification AgroAmerica

What does the Rainforest Alliance certification mean?

The Rainforest Alliance certification, through its Sustainable Agriculture standard, allows companies to validate that their production is sustainable and with better crops.

Bananas and natural ingredients certified

The bananas and natural ingredients that AgroAmerica produces have the Rainforest Alliance certification, which guarantees their sustainability. AgroAmerica prioritizes the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity and the well-being of people, employees, and nearby communities. On the other hand, the Rainforest Alliance Identity Preserved Certification guarantees that all the fruit processed in AgroAmerica’s natural ingredients plant has the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal.

How does the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal help people and nature?

The Rainforest Alliance Certified seal allows consumers to recognize and choose products that contribute to a better future for people and the planet. The little green frog on the seal means that the certified product or ingredient was made using methods that support the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. This responds to the market demands, which is looking for better products and the guarantee that they are produced sustainably and responsibly, contributing to a healthier planet.

Rainforest Alliance Certification Standards

The Rainforest Alliance certification standards focus on the following topics:

  • Forests: Rainforest Alliance training and certification programs promote best practices for protecting standing forests, fostering the health of trees, soils, and waterways, and protecting native forests.
  • Climate: Standing forests are a powerful natural climate solution. Rainforest certification promotes responsible land management methods that increase carbon storage while avoiding deforestation.
  • Human Rights: the certification advances the rights of rural people through standards and assurance systems that provide robust strategies for assessing and addressing labor issues related to human rights. Independent studies demonstrate that workers on certified farms are more likely to have better working conditions, personal protective gear, and labor protections.
  • Livelihoods: Rainforest’s approach is based on the understanding that ecosystem health and the economic stability of rural communities are mutually dependent. Certification has been proven to generate measurable economic benefits for farmers and forest communities around the world.

The green frog and its meaning

The certification seal is the “green frog,” which has become an international symbol of sustainability. According to Rainforest, frogs are what scientists call bioindicators—meaning that a healthy population of frogs indicates a healthy environment. This is why the Rainforest Alliance chose the red-eyed tree frog as its mascot more than thirty years ago, as this bright-eyed amphibian is commonly found in the neotropics, where our founders first started working to protect tropical rainforests.