Employer Branding and How to Take Advantage of It

Employer Branding

Employer Branding and How to Take Advantage of It

There is no doubt that employer branding has become very important in today’s business world. Simply put, employer branding corresponds to the internal actions and efforts that the employer makes to impact the “employee experience” – what the employee experiences within the organization. Through this, the company can build an image and reputation that favors attracting and retaining human talent.

What is employer branding used for?

Employer branding creates and maintains an image of the brand as an attractive workplace through specific company objectives. To achieve this, the company defines marketing actions, messages, and activities with the support of internal communication, Endomarketing, and human resource management. In this way, the company can communicate its good practices, highlight how it differs from other companies and create a positive image among its employees.

Importance of employer branding

It is significant because it increases emotional salary, promotes the organizational culture in an unforced way, and increases the workers’ commitment and connection (engagement) with the company.

Benefits of employer branding in AgroAmérica

At AgroAmerica, we have introduced actions to utilize employer branding as a tool that helps us position ourselves in the market, strengthen our business culture, and increase productivity. At the same time, it helps our employees to become ambassadors for the company by increasing their level of job satisfaction:
Defining our brand
What differentiates us from other companies in the same sector? What do our current collaborators value? How do we want job candidates to view us? Answering these questions has helped us define our brand and create a cohesive employer branding strategy.
Creating Relevant Content
In defining our brand, we have created relevant content that helps us share our vision and mission. We use videos, infographics, social media posts, employee testimonials, blogs, and other resources that showcase our organizational culture.
Using social networks
Today, social networks have become a tool for brand communication. We use them to share relevant content and increase the visibility of our brand.
Involving our employees
Our collaborators are our best ambassadors. Making them part of our actions and decisions reinforces our business culture, generates a sense of belonging and increases their commitment to our business.
Being transparent
Transparency and honesty are essential to create strong employee branding. These qualities attract potential employees and help engage current collaborators. It is important to highlight that employer branding is not only about creating a positive image of the organization but also about demonstrating and promoting business values and culture at all times. Employer branding is the management, construction, and life force of the company’s “brand”. It seeks to improve the perception, reputation, positioning, and added value of an enterprise in order to form a highly committed team that promotes a company’s success.