We work for



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We work every day to meet the highest standards of agro-industrial sustainability. At AgroAmerica, we developed a business model based on Corporate Sustainability Strategy, where we generate value and balance among economic growth, natural resource conservation, and our stakeholder's wellbeing.

“Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony.  These conditions permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.”

 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

To achieve responsible production, we have developed a Corporate Sustainability Strategy
based on the following pillars:




Ethics &

The management mechanisms we execute through our pillars allow us to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and The Principles of Global Compact, initiatives promoted by the United Nations.


At AgroAmerica, we contribute to social development improving quality of life through inclusion, health, education, and decent work.

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Living Wage

Generation of employment in equal opportunities for men and women. Salary payment according to Living Wage study to provide employees with a fair and adequate salary.

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Ongoing labor training in organizational, technical, environmental, and ethics and compliance issues; through work development programs at all levels, from the board of directors to the field workers.

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Ocupational Health and Safety

We comply with international standards of Occupational Health and Safety through strict biosecurity controls, continuous training in the use of appropriate protective equipment for each job, medical care in the workplace, among others.

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Saving and Loan Coop

We have created cooperatives for workers and their families. Associates have savings accounts with higher interests than those offered in the market, posthumous care programs, convenience stores, and benefit from access to financing at very low-interest rates.

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Generating Jobs for Women

Agroamerica advocates for the inclusion and empowerment of women through job generation and the implementation of programs; for them to grow professionally and take development to their families and communities.

Women who work at the company enjoy full and effective participation and equal opportunities. During 2021, 20% of our senior management team were women.

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School for AgroAmerica's Workers Children

We have created cooperatives for workers and their families. Associates have savings accounts with higher interests than those offered in the market, posthumous care programs, convenience stores, and benefit from access to financing at very low-interest rates.


We promote the wellbeing and the development of communities to contribute to a society where the common good prevails.

Since 2006 a Social Responsibility Team was established to manage community relations. From 2006 to 2020, the team is in charge of visiting communities every month to promote community management projects, dialogue and conflicts prevention and resolution.  As of 2021, 15 AgroAmerica workers are involved in activities dedicated to stakeholder engagement, 33% of which are women.

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Community Management

We support initiatives from stakeholders who request our involvement in community management projects to build local self-management capacity for their development in education, infrastructure, health, and entrepreneurship.

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Human Development Center - HDC

We offer medical services and Health and Nutrition programs carried out in alliance with the University of Colorado, United States.

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Nutritious Meal Program

Our “One banana a day changes your life” meal program aims to incorporate a banana a day as a nutritious supplement to the school meal to improve the nutrition and food security of children in rural schools near our operations.

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We hold training for community leaders, women, teachers, school principals, and students, on human values, citizenship, HIV / AIDS prevention, care for the environment, alcoholism and drug addiction, health and hygiene, and nutrition.

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Methodologies for Development:

We periodically assess the impacts of our operations in the area of influence, also perform the mapping and reevaluation of our stakeholders through methodologies developed with an external consultant ( Green Development. ) see below our methodologies

- Methodology for the identification and valorization of stakeholders

- Methodology for the identification and valorization of Impacts

Every two years, we perform social impact studies to develop working plans and implement sustainable development projects, mitigating the identified impacts and promoting stakeholder engagement to prevent conflicts.

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2020 Results

- 74 visits to communities and alliances made by our community relations team, which is responsible for strengthening the relationship, follow-up, and project management, as well as resolving any complaints, claims, or requests during these visits.

- 137 alliances - formed to work together on health, education, and environmental issues.


Our strategy focuses on regenerating the Earth and its resources through a responsible operation.

Efficient Use of Water

We implement state-of-the-art technology to achieve efficient use of water, actively participating in Technical river basins Committees, among other actions involving all social actors, to promote the rational use of water.

Clean Energy Projects

AgroAmerica carries out a renewable energy production project and a Clean Development Mechanism project, approved by the UN.

Enviromental Management Plans

We have developed monitoring and control tools for the efficient use of resources, minimizing waste, and promoting the responsible use of Agrochemicals.

Conservation of Ecosystems and Forest Areas

We build alliances to promote conservation of biodiversity of flora and fauna, nature reserves, protected areas, and carry out reforestation programs throughout the year.

You can see here our HCV assessments and some activities that we carry out in follow-up to our conservation commitments

Agroindustrial Sustainability of Tropical Oil

Learn about our sustainable practices applied to the production of Tropical Oil.

Agroindustrial Sustainability of our Bananas

Learn about our sustainable practices applied to the production of Premium Bananas.


Our key to success has been Corporate Compliance with international standards focused on agro-industrial, labor, environmental, and social practices.

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Our continuous improvement culture encourages us to periodically assess our performance, processes, practices, and demeanor within the framework of compliance with international standards that guarantee sustainable and responsible production.

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Compliance with the most demanding standards has allowed us to be an internationally certified corporation and thus guarantee our workers, surrounding communities, customers, and investors that we ensure sustainable and responsible production.


Participation in the Program for ethical, legal, and sustainability compliance of the Center for Action of Corporate Social Responsibility in Guatemala – CENTRARSE-.

We ensure ethical and transparent behavior involving every organization level of the company. We have implemented an ethic, legal and sustainable Compliance Program that comprises:

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Corporate Policies

Standards and guidelines design to help us make decisions based on the objectives of the company in labor and social-environmental areas.

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Code of Ethics

The general principles that guide our corporate decisions and the behavior of the members of our organization; they are applied to directors, collaborators, suppliers, clients, and third parties.

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Ethic Line

Official contact channels enabled by the corporation, so workers, their families, community members, suppliers, customers, and the general public express their concerns, comments, or suggestions completely anonymously, submitted via phone call, email, or an online form.


We promote compliance with domestic and international laws applicable to fighting corruption. Any action, complaint, or doubt regarding our policy and our behavior, can be reported through our Ethics Line or our Legal Department.

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Ethics Commite

A committee in charge to address and investigate the submitted complaints or suggestions sent to our contact channels to ensure a harmonious relationship among the company, workers, and communities.

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Audit Scheme

We have developed an external and internal audit scheme to regularly assess our performance and compliance with national and international criteria.

Our approach to fiscal responsibilities

Agroamerica´s Tropical Oil tax strategy guarantees compliance with fiscal responsibilities in every jurisdiction where it operates and where it corresponds. The entities that comprise the tropical oil division have a team of highly trained people, who have allowed us to comply in an adequate and timely manner, all the commitments we have in tax matters in the countries we operate.

From planting the seeds until the plantation is in production, we accumulate a considerable amount of tax credit which is the best indicator of tax compliance. This credit is recovered by complying with the requirements of the Government´s Tax Office to be able to start and continue with the export of tropical oil to international markets.

From this moment on, the Government´s Tax Office carries out the document review processes and verifies strict compliance and good practices, progressively reimburses the credit.

Each business unit, whether productive or commercial, pays its taxes in the jurisdiction that corresponds, according to the applicable legislation. In addition, as a validation of our tax compliance, our external auditors carry out a general review at the end of each calendar year





Planet A
AgroAmerica Sustainability Strategy
Click here to download



Planet A
Core indicators for Sustainability
Click here to read more


Representatives of the United Nations Development Program –UNDP- in a guided visit to our company’s facilities, to promote strategic partnerships towards sustainable production.

AgroAmerica aims to promote stronger national and international partnerships to accomplish sustainable development.

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Open Dialogue

We build positive relationships with our stakeholders through active and constant communications based on dialogue, which becomes a path towards development.


We manage strategic partnerships with local communities and national and international organizations; focus on environmental conservation, labor, trade and business, and Corporate Social Responsibility institutions.

