The importance of traceability in food production

Traceability AgroAmérica

The importance of traceability in food production

We have incorporated traceability as an essential element in the business and commercial environment. It makes it possible to identify, trace and locate the origin of products or components within the production chain. Traceability has become the key to food safety in the food industry since it monitors food throughout the production, transportation and distribution chains.

The advantages 

Traceability links the flow of goods and their associated information. This continuous exchange of knowledge provides an advantage for three critical participants in the food industry:

  • The producing company: A traceability system helps to identify areas of opportunity and improvement in the supply chain. It increases productivity and product quality.
  • Consumers: An effective traceability system increases confidence in a given brand because consumers can be sure that we produce products in a proper, reliable and safe way.
  • Health authorities: Traceability systems help the public sector address any health risks a given product may pose to consumers.

At its core, traceability consists of keeping a detailed record of the actions, processes and places a food product passes through from its origin to its final destination.

Types of traceability 

  1. Traceability or tracing: This method helps to identify a product’s origin and the stages it has passed through from its production to final delivery. It includes raw materials and any subsequent applied processes.
  2. Tracking: This carefully follows the course of travel the product will take, helps predict and foresee any potential difficulties and provides the customer with the path his order will follow.


Implementing a traceability system is a simple process but it will bring many benefits, among them:

  • Ensure quality and efficiency: We can use the data obtained from traceability as indicators to help improve processes and products.
  • Reduce costs: By having specific data and information about each process we can reduce risk, correct errors immediately and avoid wasting resources.
  • Optimize time: Traceability allows for the quick retrieval of information about the product and the continuous improvement of processes.
  • Locate the source of a problem: Issues can be traced back to the component and source provider and also reflects the transparency of processes.
  • Improve communication: Traceability enables clear communication channels and promotes transparency among all involved parties.
We guarantee the quality of the products

AgroAmerica guarantees the quality of its food products with a traceability system that ensures food safety from the soil to the store shelves where consumers buy their food. The vertically integrated supply chain is designed to control the entire process in accordance with international standards.