
Archives 2023

Local Education

AgroAmérica’s Contribution to Local Education

Contribution to Local Education

AgroAmerica's Contribution to Local Education

AgroAmerica‘s contribution to local education has been an important pillar for the development of communities and families that live near the areas of influence of the company’s operations.

Quality education for employees’ children

In 2022, AgroAmerica celebrates 12  years of having launched a private school in Guatemala; an educational center that offers high quality education from preschool to sixth grade to the children of its employees. This school is located in the southwestern region of Guatemala and it fully complies with the Ministry of Education plans, exceeding them. 

High academic performance

The percentage of students promoted is noteworthy (98%), in comparison with the national education system. Also, the students from AgroAmerica’s school exceeded the reading standard established by the Ministry of Education by an average of 20%, during the “Fifth National Reading Contest”. 

Training and tools for teachers

As part of AgroAmerica‘s commitment to local education, the teaching staff constantly receives adequate pedagogical training, teaching supplies and learning materials to carry out their educational work. 

Training topics

Teachers continually receive training sessions, including in recent months:

  • Covid-19 prevention
  • Educational indicators
  • Teamwork
  • Resilience during the pandemic
  • Teaching methodology topics

Education during the pandemic

Due to COVID-19, the challenge has been to continue with school learning, while maintaining high quality education.The action plan included the implementation of a remote teaching system that could meet all the necessary requirements to guarantee quality education for each student, whether or not they had access to technology. 

How was the distance education system accomplished?

This was accomplished through follow up and monitoring, adaptation as the situation required, and self-learning guides that were delivered to the students. Besides, the students’ parents played an important role in the good performance of the new methodology. 

Good results from students

Consequently, the results obtained by the students exceeded expectations and encourage AgroAmerica to look to the future with hope.

The contribution of AgroAmerica to local education is part of its commitment to be a development agent in the areas near its operations, seeking to improve people’s living conditions.

Materiality Assessment of AgroAmerica

AgroAmerica Materiality Assessment

Materiality Assessment of AgroAmerica

AgroAmerica Materiality Assessment

To establish updated sustainability priorities for AgroAmerica in 2020 the company carried out an analysis based on the materiality methodology stipulated by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), identifying the most important topics that define the company’s sustainability strategy.

Whats is the Materiality Assessment ?

The materiality assessment is a two-dimensional diagnosis that analyzes the most important topics according to their relevance in:

  1. The impact and contributions of the company in the economic, social, and environmental fields.
  2. The influence of this impact on the evaluation and decision-making of the stakeholders, both internal and external. That is to say investors and shareholders, creditors, collaborators, unions, clients, consumers, suppliers, community, authorities, institutions, and others.

Assessment Objective

This diagnosis makes it possible to report AgroAmeirca’s priorities and establish its sustainability strategy based on them, and thus communicate transparently and assertively to its stakeholders on which economic, social and environmental aspects the company has had the greatest impact.

Investigative Process

To meet its objectives, AgroAmerica carried out research on the priorities of its stakeholders, as well as a benchmark study with industry leaders, surveys and interviews with both internal and external leaders.

The process for conducting the materiality assessment of AgroAmerica entailed interviewing more than 25 people including members of its Executive Committee, along with NGOs, Certifying Bodies and Clients; as well as the contribution of more than 100 people that completed online surveys.

Research result

As a result of these activities, AgroAmerica was able to identify and prioritize 19 relevant topics, which are shown in the following Materiality Map. This matrix was developed and validated by the company’s Executive Committee.

The completion of the AgroAmerica Materiality Analysis allowed the company’s priorities on business sustainability to be more clearly established. In this way, AgroAmerica is able to execute more precise and effective sustainability strategies to meet the needs and expectations of the stakeholders and communities around the company’s operation.


Mayan Biosphere

What is the Mayan Biosphere?

Mayan Biosphere AgroAmerica

What is the Mayan Biosphere?

Guatemala has been characterized for being a country with great wealth in flora and fauna, that is why it is called the country of eternal spring, without a doubt this title is a great privilege but it is also a great responsibility. 

In 1990 the Mayan Biosphere Reserve was created in Guatemala, which is a sparsely populated region composed of forests, rivers, wetlands and Mayan sites.

Characteristics of the Mayan Biosphere

This protected area is the largest in Guatemala and represents one-fifth of the national territory, extending over more than two million hectares in which there are natural ecosystems essential for the country’s flora and fauna.

The Mayan Biosphere in Guatemala also conserves a large part of the archeological sites that are currently considered icons of the Mayan civilization.

32 years of the Mayan Biosphere

Currently, Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve is 32 years old since the publication of decree 5-90, which assigns CONAP as the institution responsible for its enforcement.

AgroAmerica and its contribution to the conservation of the Mayan Biosphere

The company has carried out different actions to guarantee the conservation of the Mayan Biosphere in Guatemala, as well as the conservation and restoration of landscapes.

AgroAmerica has been part of the environmental conservation project of the Maya Cultural and Natural Heritage Foundation, which works to protect tropical forests, flora and fauna.

Agreement to strengthen protected areas in Guatemala

The company also signed an agreement with WCS and Solidaridad to strengthen the Guatemalan Protected Areas System (SIGAP) through pilot projects in accordance with the strategies established by CONAP and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources.

Agreement Objectives

The agreement aims to monitor and conserve 19,000 hectares in Laguna del Tigre National Park as well as threatened species such as:

– Scarlet Macaw

– Jaguar

– White-lipped peccary

– Tapir; and

– White Turtle

Macaw release project

Recently, with the support of AgroAmerica, Wildlife Conservation Society, Fundación Solidaridad Latinoamericana, CONAP and other organizations, 26 scarlet macaws were released into the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Guatemala.

Objective Project

The goal is to increase the number of scarlet macaws in the reserve, estimating that a total of 300 macaws currently inhabit the reserve.

Conservation Technical Committees

AgroAmerica also has zero deforestation and zero waste policies, as well as constant participation in mangrove technical roundtables and soil and water conservation systems.

Forest Reforestation

In addition, the company has participated in various tree donation activities for reforestation of forests.

AgroAmérica will continue contributing to the conservation of the Mayan Biosphere

Undoubtedly Guatemala has an immense wealth of landscapes, flora, fauna and cultural heritage of the Mayan civilization. It is the responsibility of everyone in this country to contribute to its constant care and conservation.

Throughout its years of operation, AgroAmerica has collaborated with the mission of the conservation of the Mayan Biosphere in Guatemala and hopes to continue to do so more and more.

"2022 Conservation Leadership Award"

AgroAmerica won RSPO’s «2022 Conservation Leadership Award» for its Maya Biosphere Conservation project 

"2022 Conservation Leadership Award"
"2022 Conservation Leadership Award"
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AgroAmerica won RSPO's "2022 Conservation Leadership Award" for its Maya Biosphere Conservation project

Guatemala City. The conservation project in the Mayan Biosphere of Guatemala received the “2022 Conservation Leadership Award” from the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil –RSPO-. This initiative is executed through a formal agreement signed between AgroAmerica, the Wildlife Conservation Society, Solidaridad Network, and the National Council of Protected Areas.

Conservation Project Objective

The project’s objective is to conserve the area’s biodiversity, natural ecosystems, and natural heritage through monitoring the population of endangered species and their habitat, protection of natural ecosystems such as forests and wetlands, and alliances strategies for implementing socio-environmental management initiatives.

What has been achieved with the project?

One of the project’s main results was the release of 60 macaws after great efforts to protect their natural habitat. Likewise, the project has included joint work with the El Paso Caballos community to protect biodiversity through early warning systems for forest fires and macaws monitoring.

At AgroAmérica we help to regenerate the land and its resources

“Our business model is focused on regenerating the Earth and its resources. In the framework of our sustainability commitments, at AgroAmerica, we participate in conservation efforts carried out in one of the most important biodiversity areas in Guatemala,” said Fernando Bolaños, CEO of AgroAmerica.

RSPO Awards Objectives

The RSPO Excellence Awards recognize how RSPO members across the globe seek solutions to address the sustainability challenges the industry is currently facing and expand its value chain. 

“At AgroAmerica, we reaffirm our commitment to exceeding environmental and social expectations, driving positive impact, and leading conservation projects in the countries where we operate,” concluded Fernando Bolaños.