Technology in the service of sustainability and society


Technology in the service of sustainability and society

Technology has revolutionized how companies operate and relate to society and the environment. In the agroindustrial sector, technology has made it possible to develop more sustainable and efficient practices in production processes, making it a critical tool in social responsibility and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Technology and the environment

Using new technologies helps to optimize efficiency in crop productivity and minimize environmental impact. AgroAmerica uses reservoirs to collect rainwater, as well as irrigation systems such as micro-sprinkling and probes that consider the weather season and soil humidity in real-time. This has managed to reduce water consumption by 50% compared tothe use of traditional systems. In addition, we use techniques that help us protect and promote soil heath. In this regard, we reuse 80% of the banana plant as organic matter for the soil. In addition, we have nine weather stations that provide data on precipitation, humidity and other factors that help control crop diseases, reducing the application of other products. Likewise, preventive actions are carried out against Fusarium TR4.

Technology also contributes to productivity

Implementing technology in production processes makes it possible to innovate and optimize productivity while achieving greater sustainability. In this way, we develop new products, accomplish circularity in the use of materials, work to reduce our carbon footprint, generate better employment opportunities, and contribute to the economic development of the countries where we operate.

Natural Ingredients Plant

In this sense, AgroAmerica has a Natural Ingredients Plant and an Innovation and Development Laboratory for new products. The R&D Laboratory is an innovation center for developing new products and banana food ingredients. Then, at the plant, we transform the surplus of our banana production into upcycled natural ingredients. This allows us to make the most of not-exported bananas under the “Zero Waste” Principle to provide nutritious food with added value.

Natural Ingredients Plant Award

The Natural Ingredients Plant received the “Recognition to Sustainability” award from the Guatemalan-American Chamber of Commerce -AMCHAM- in the environmental category in 2021.

Working together to innovate

Searching for solutions to current challenges has also allowed us to collaborate with other institutions, environmental organizations, and allies to work together in developing new technology for implementing environmental projects. An example is our bee conservation project in Guatemala, developed by our strategic partner BeeHub.

Technology has positively impacted corporate social responsibility by enabling the implementation of more sustainable practices in food production and the development of innovative solutions. AgroAmerica’s commitment is to innovate and use technology to ensure a more sustainable future.