
Archives June 2011

premio a la productividad AgroAmérica

Agroamérica rewards its workers with the “Fernando Bolaños Productivity Award”

Agroamérica rewards its workers with the “Fernando Bolaños Productivity Award”

Guatemala, June 2011. Each year, Agroamerica awards farms and workers that achieve higher productivity yields. To do that, it evaluates the fulfillment of production targets, technical and environmental standards, disciplinary rules and adherence to the values of the company, among others. This year, 2 farms and 240 workers were creditors of the prize which is named by the founder of the corporation, consisting of cash and prizes in kind.

With this recognition, the company encourages employees to constantly seek excellence and meet the company’s values which are: perseverance, hard work, team work, responsibility, honesty and generosity. For Agroamerica it is a commitment providing quality products with social responsibility.

At the award ceremony, the Manager of Human Resources, said: “The Fernando Bolaños Productivity Award has been a great motivational complement to our staff because it shows that the company recognizes the efficiency, performance, quality and team work”.

Luz Cifuentes, a worker in one of the winning farms: “I am happy, because nobody had given us recognition like this. Thus, they demonstrate to us that we are important to the company. In addition, the prize money will help me a lot and this year we will do a better job to claim the prize next year”.

Hernán Alejandro Cal, Fruit Receiver and award-winning employee said: “I am happy to have won the award for productivity. We thank God and the company because they value our work and effort. I am grateful to colleagues because we all worked our hardest to win. This motivates me to keep doing things better”.

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bocabarra del río Pacayá AgroAmérica

Agroamérica collaborates with the repair of the Pacayá River

Agroamérica collaborates with the repair of the Pacayá River

Guatemala, June, 2011. Last month, the Goverment started dredging the mouth of the Pacayá River, located in San Rafael Pacayá, Quetzaltenango. The purpose is to avoid the flooding that occurs in the area during Guatemala’s rainy season from May to November. Agroamérica collaborated with the Southwest Tripoint Association to petition the government for help with this recurring problem.

In 2010, more than 300 community leaders from the departments of Retalhuleu, San Marcos, and Quetzaltenango, all located within the Southwestern Tripoint, together with Banasa, met with the President’s Secretary for Special Projects to discuss the need to dredge the barrier beaches at the mouths of the Pacayá, El Naranjo, and Ocosito Rivers. This dredging will alleviate the local flooding by improving the flow of these rivers toward the Pacific Ocean.

The communities located in the municipalities of Ocós, Coatepeque and Retalhuleu (La Blanca, Pueblo Nuevo, Río Bravo, Cerritos, Salinas I, Salinas II, Las Morenas, Chiquirines, Barillas, Palmar I, Palmar II, Madronales, Los Encuentros, Santa Fe, Valle Lirio, La Blanquita, El Reparo, El Troje, Caballo Blanco) will all benefit greatly from this project.

Agroamérica also supports the local authorities with the project aimed at rebuilding the banks of the Ocosito River to avoid the destruction caused when the river overflows during the rainy season.

Marleny Vásquez, a resident of one of the local communities, demonstrated her appreciation to Agroamérica and the Southwest Tripoint Association: “May God bless you because this project is a miracle. We have suffered greatly from the flooding every year. An additional benefit of this project will be the ability to use the sand that is removed through the dredging process to fill the land where I want to build my house.”

Felino Sandoval, President of the Southwest Tripoint Association, communicated his satisfaction with the project and thanked the governmental authorities, the local communities and Agroamérica for their support.

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Jornada de Limpieza AgroAmérica

Agroamérica organized a clean-up day in the community San José Mogollón.

Agroamérica organized a clean-up day in the community San José Mogollón

Guatemala, June, 2011. As part of Agroamérica’s corporate responsibility program and Better Families program, a clean-up day was organized in San Jose Mogollon, Nueva Concepción, Escuintla. Many people from the community participated including the director, teachers and students from the local school and women, leaders, and members of COCODE.

The activity began with an instructional workshop which taught the importance of sanitation to the participants. The cleaning crews then took the streets of town carrying signs and banners to raise awareness of the importance of a clean community. The village leaders and mothers carried brooms, dustpans, and other paraphernalia needed to “get the job done.” Agroamérica donated bags and transportation to remove all of the garbage collected.

The garbage that included tires, plastic, and organic waste was transported to the municipal garbage dump in Nueva Concepción, Escuintla. This clean-up will prevent the spread of intestinal diseases by flying insects and other vermin. An additional positive outcome of this activity was the education of the community to take care of the environment and to work together for their mutual benefit.

This activity fulfilled two thematic objectives of the Better Families program for women from the local farm communities: “With better families, comes better health” and “Working for everyone’s good health.”

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